Original Floral Oil Painting


Size: 50cm x 70cm (20" x 28”)

50cm x 70cm (20" x 28”)
70cm x 100cm (28" x 40”)
90cm x 120cm (36" x 48”)
100cm x 140cm (40" x 56”)
120cm x 160cm (48" x 64")
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Original Floral Oil Painting

100% Hand Painted Oil Painting on Canvas!

Museum Quality Paintings made by professional artists.

Each hand-painted artwork is unique, just  because  they are hand-painted reproductions

Colors: Acrylic on Canvas


Hand painting takes a much long long time to produce, unlike digital prints.

Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for dispatch.

Additional Information

50cm x 70cm (20" x 28”), 70cm x 100cm (28" x 40”), 90cm x 120cm (36" x 48”), 100cm x 140cm (40" x 56”), 120cm x 160cm (48" x 64")