Furniture Art

Furniture Art in our canvas prints presents the finest renderings of furniture from ages past like the Victorian era or the Baroque epoch. The prints in our collection privelege vintage furniture in all its craftsmanship as the most elegant decor and worthy of praise as a painting. Leather lounges, loveseats, and highbacked chairs, huge oaken desks, and burnished table stands, we cover the full extent of furniture that is praise worthy as art. Find just the right canvas print of Furniture Art to decorate your favoured space with the sophistication and timeless charm of bygone ages.

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Pillar Flower Knife Landscape Art Painting
50cm x 60cm [20"x24"]60cm x 90cm [24"x36"]75cm x 90cm [30x36"]75cm x100cm [30"x40"]90cm x 120cm [36"x48']120cm x 180cm [48"x72"]
Furniture Knife Landscape Art Painting
50cm x 60cm [20"x24"]60cm x 90cm [24"x36"]75cm x 90cm [30x36"]75cm x100cm [30"x40"]90cm x 120cm [36"x48']120cm x 180cm [48"x72"]
Big Tree Furniture Knife Art Mediterranean Painting
50cm x 60cm [20"x24"]60cm x 90cm [24"x36"]75cm x 90cm [30x36"]75cm x100cm [30"x40"]90cm x 120cm [36"x48']120cm x 180cm [48"x72"]
House Furniture Knife Art Mediterranean Painting
50cm x 60cm [20"x24"]60cm x 90cm [24"x36"]75cm x 90cm [30x36"]75cm x100cm [30"x40"]90cm x 120cm [36"x48']120cm x 180cm [48"x72"]
Cafe Knife Art Streetscape Painting
50cm x 60cm [20"x24"]60cm x 90cm [24"x36"]75cm x 90cm [30x36"]75cm x100cm [30"x40"]90cm x 120cm [36"x48']120cm x 180cm [48"x72"]
Knife Art Furniture Streetscape Painting
50cm x 60cm [20"x24"]60cm x 90cm [24"x36"]75cm x 90cm [30x36"]75cm x100cm [30"x40"]90cm x 120cm [36"x48']120cm x 180cm [48"x72"]
Knife Art Furniture Venice Painting
50cm x 60cm [20"x24"]60cm x 90cm [24"x36"]75cm x 90cm [30x36"]75cm x100cm [30"x40"]90cm x 120cm [36"x48']120cm x 180cm [48"x72"]
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]


Umbrella FurnitureTree Modern Art  Painting
50cm x 60cm [20"x24"]60cm x 90cm [24"x36"]75cm x 90cm [30x36"]75cm x100cm [30"x40"]90cm x 120cm [36"x48']120cm x 180cm [48"x72"]
An Alchemist in his Workshop

An Alchemist in his Workshop

$82.00 – $3,991.00
The Geographer c. 1668

The Geographer c. 1668

$82.00 – $3,991.00
Vincents Bedroom By Van Gogh

Vincents Bedroom By Van Gogh

$82.00 – $3,991.00