The huge influx of wall arts puts the question; is there an amount to which a room can be over accessorized? Finding the Right Balance
They are now able to a dress their homes with wall arts and make them look and feel like elegant and comfortable homes. However, one needs to be careful so that the addition of such characters doesn’t over power the place. But, this raises the question – What is too much wall art?
Here are some considerations to help you begin to think about how you find that ‘middle ground’.1.
Consider Your Space Size:When will one decide whether to paint a room or not, there are some few factors to consider first Some of these factors include the size of the room, and the wants of the owner. Similarly in small interiors of her residence, she has made the interiors look congested due to excess use of paintings on the walls. In large spaces, it is possible to include numerous artworks and ensure that none of the walls appears overdone.First thing to consider is the size of the room to avoid over-stuffing the wall with artworks in a bid to check the size.2.
Focus on Visual Weight:Of course, not all of the pieces of wall art are equal in terms of the amount of weight they carry over the wall décor. Being large and bold it will be heavier than a small print which, is delicate. Counterpoint in art can be achieved by assessing the relative volumes of the piece of art that is to be hung in the room.Combining the topics of concern with lighter subjects may provide an appearance of balance visually at least.3.
Create a Gallery Wall:If you are one of those people who have a set of art pieces they found amazing, a gallery wall could be perfect for you. This enables one to arrange several artworks in a single outlook.Stack them up in a systematic manner in a grid or a cluster such that none of the features seem to overpower the other.4.
Use Negative Space: Negative space is the space or the wall area that is left between what two students of art call distinct formations. Don't overlook this space. This is very vital in avoiding a cramped or congested look on the face.Ensure there is adequate white space around each of the artworks so as to allow the work of art to stand out or even to allow the eye to relax.5.
Balance with Other Decor:Think of the interiors in general when it comes to your choice of the wall art pieces that you want to hang. If your interior design features furniture, patterns, and other decorative items in a room, less wall art pieces may be applied not to overwhelm the viewers.The absence, or rather, scarcity might be as good as richness.6.
Personal Style Matters:I believe that this is an individual approach, and the more you personally prefer, the more proximate can be the question of what is too much wall art. If you are an art lover and you prefer a rather diverse approach, then you might like to have more of them.But if you are not a fan of numerous pictures on the wall, you will choose fewer and measured artworks.7.
Regularly Edit and Rotate: As a collector accumulates artwork, he or she must evaluate their wall art every so often. Some pieces can become irrelevant in the room after sometime, you should therefore remove them. It allows you to bring in new pieces into your home and change the look of your home every now and then.Thus, it is impossible to say whether too much is too much as far as wall art decorations is concerned. It is nevertheless true that the right mix of artwork depends on the room and/or individual preferences. In its totality, it has to do with designing and arranging personal possessions and wall art in a manner that exudes balance and can be aesthetically pleasing for the individual in question. Trial and error, go with your gut, and do not hesitate to switch up the pictures on your walls as you receive your tastes. Accomplishing the right mix will really put your home in a league that fits your personality and what you consider stylish.